The XML format for .cpn files is described using a DTD.

The easiest way to write files that CPN Tools understands is to create a simple net and inspect that. If you just create a couple of places and transitions (with easy to remember names) it is fairly straightforward to see how the files are constructed. It is not necessary  worry about the options, binders, monitorblock or IndexNode at the end of the file, and it  may also be possible to ignore the instances node. Declarations are represented in a quite structured way, so you will also need a couple of examples of declarations.

The structure of a .cpn files is more or less like this:


<generator …/>

<page id=”…”>
<pageattr name=”…”>
<place id=”…”>
<posattr …/> <!– position –>
<fillattr …/> <!– fill color –>
<lineattr …/> <!– line width and color –>
<textattr …/> <!– font and text color –>
<text>…</text> <!– name –>
<ellipse …/> <!– sets width and height –>
<token …/> <!– position of round no of tokens –>
<marking …/> <!– position (and whether hidden) of rectangular description of current marking –>
<type> <!– color set –>
<posattr …/> <!– position –>
<fillattr …/> <!– fill color –>
<lineattr …/> <!– line width and color –>
<textattr …/> <!– font and text color –>
<initmark> <!– initial marking –>
<!– like type –>
<fusioninfo id=”…” name=”…”> <!– omit if not fusion place –>
<posattr …/> <!– position –>
<fillattr …/> <!– fill color –>
<lineattr …/> <!– line width and color –>
<textattr …/> <!– font and text color –>
<trans id=”…” explicit=”false”>
<posattr …/> <!– position –>
<fillattr …/> <!– fill color –>
<lineattr …/> <!– line width and color –>
<textattr …/> <!– font and text color –>
<text>…</text> <!– name –>
<box …/> <!– sets width and height –>
<subst subpage=”…” portsock=”…”> <!– omit if not substitution transition; check example for exact format –>
<subpageinfo id=”…” name=”…”> <!– position of small blue hierarchy tag–>
<posattr …/> <!– position –>
<fillattr …/> <!– fill color –>
<lineattr …/> <!– line width and color –>
<textattr …/> <!– font and text color –>
<binding x=”…” y=”…” /> <!– position of binding index –>
<cond> <!– guard –>
<!– like type in place –>
<time> <!– time stamp –>
<!– like type in place –>
<code> <!– action part –>
<!– like type in place –>
<channel> <!– for transition fusion, not used, just copy from an example –>
<arc id=”…” orientation=”TtoP|PtoT|BOTHDIR” order=”…”> <!– arc, order can probably just be set to 0 –>
<posattr …/> <!– position –>
<fillattr …/> <!– fill color –>
<lineattr …/> <!– line width and color –>
<textattr …/> <!– font and text color –>
<arrowattr headsize=”1.2″ currentcycle=”2″/>
<transend idref=”…”/> <!– id of transition of this arc –>
<placeend idref=”…”/> <!– if of place of this arc –>
<bendpoint id=”…” serial=”…”> <!– zero or more of these, numbered from 1 (using serial), only posattr is used –>
<posattr …/> <!– position –>
<fillattr …/> <!– fill color –>
<lineattr …/> <!– line width and color –>
<textattr …/> <!– font and text color –>
<annot id=”…”> <!– arc expression –>
<!– like type in place –>
<fusion id=”…” name=”…”> <!– description for each fusion group –>
<fusion_elm idref=”…”> <!– one for each member, id of place –>


Connection management functions

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