To close a net, drag the

Net Tools

Net Tools

into the workspace and apply the

Close Net

Close Net

tool to the net name in the index.

Apply the Close Net tool

Apply the Close Net tool

You can also use the Net marking menu on the net entry in the index:

Net Marking Menu

Net Marking Menu

 Close with unsaved changes

If a net has unsaved changes when applying the Close Net tool, a dialog box will appear. With this dialog it is possible to save the net before closing it, discard the changes before closing, or cancel the close operation.

Dialog box warning about unsaved changes

Dialog box warning about unsaved changes

The dialog box will also appear when you close CPN Tools by closing the workspace window first. The workspace window can be closed, for example, by clicking on the Close button in the upper-right-hand corner of the window.

Close button for workspace window

Close button for workspace window

Note that the dialog box will not appear if the console window (instead of the workspace window) is closed when there is one or more nets with unsaved changes. In this case, unsaved changes will be lost.

Close the console window

Close the console window

Related pages

Load a model, Save a model, close CPN Tools

Resize, pan, and zoom
Create a new net

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