State space node marking menu for active state space nodes

State space node marking menu for active state space nodes in group

State space node marking menu for inactive state space nodes

State space node marking menu for inactive state space nodes in group

- Home
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- Create, lead, and save
- Color sets
- Colors
- Common constructs
- Compound color sets
- Concepts
- Declarations
- Editing a CPN
- Editing the net structure
- Examples contributed by CPN Group
- Examples contributed by Dmitry A. Zaitsev
- Examples contributed by John C. Sloan
- Examples contributed by Tatiana R. Shmeleva
- Exceptions
- External communications and libraries
- Graphical layout
- Hierarchy
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- Introductory examples
- Monitoring examples
- Monitors
- Multisets
- Performance analysis
- Queue system monitors
- Random distribution functions
- Real-life examples
- Sample CPN Models
- Simple color sets
- Simple protocols
- Simulation
- State space analysis
- State space analysis examples
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