Delete an element
- Apply the Delete tool to an element, or select the Delete entry from the element’s marking menu.
- The element will be deleted.
- Other elements that are dependent on the element may also be deleted. For example,
- When a place or transition is deleted, all of its inscriptions and surrounding arcs are also deleted.
- When a declaration is deleted, the other declarations and net elements that are dependent on the declaration will not be deleted.
The effect of applying the Delete Element tool to a page name or page tab will depend on whether or not the page is a subpage. For more information please see Page tab marking menu or Page name marking menu.
For more information about deleting hierarchy tags, please read about removing hierarchical constructs.
These tools are available through:
- Create tools
- Arc marking menu
- Aux marking menu
- Bendpoint marking menu
- Current marking marking menu
- Declaration tab marking menu
- Declarations marking menu
- Fusion set marking menu
- Group tab marking menus
- Guideline marking menu
- Inscription marking menus
- Monitor name marking menu
- Page name marking menu
- Page tab marking menus
- Place marking menus
- Port-type tag marking menu
- State space arc marking menus
- State space node marking menu
- Substitution transition marking menu
- Transition marking menus
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