Errors can occur if any of the state space tools are applied while portions of a net are being syntax checked. It is highly recommended that you do not apply state space tools while there are any yellow highlights on places, arcs, transitions, pages, or net names.

Highlight during syntax check
If the Replace by subpage tool is applied and the corresponding subpage(s) contains state space nodes and/or state space arcs, then the state space elements on the subpage are deleted.
The calculation of state spaces for timed CPNs can be nondeterministic due to the fact that time stamps are ignored when removing tokens that have time stamps that are less than or equal to current model time. This problem is described in more detail on the page Nondeterministic nets.
Errors may occur if you use state space tool for a net with monitors:start. This may also be true even if the monitors are disabled..
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