A simulation will stop if one or more of the following conditions are fulfilled:
- There are no more enabled transitions
- The number of steps specified for the Play or Fast forward tool has been executed
- The Stop tool is applied after applying the Play tool
- One of the breakpoint monitors is fulfilled
When one of the simulation stop criteria have been met, a green status bubble and a speech bubble will indicate why the simulation has stopped.

Reason why simulation stopped
Breakpoint monitors are evaluated after simulation steps complete. If a breakpoint monitor is fulfilled, then a flag is set in the simulator to indicate that a stop criterion has been met.
The simulator will check to see if simulation stop criteria have been met at different points depending on which of the simulation_tools was used to start a simulation.
When the Fast forward tool is applied, the simulator will check if stop criteria are fulfilled
- Before executing the first step immediately after applying the Fast Forward tool, and
- After every step that is executed
When the Bind manually, Single Step, and Play tool are applied, the simulator will check if stop criteria are fulfilled
- Before each step is executed
When simulating timed CP-nets, the simulator also checks if stop criteria are fulfilled whenever model time is increased.
When the simulator discovers that a stop criterion has been fulfilled, the current simulation will be stopped, and the reason why the simulation has been stopped will be shown.

Breakpoint monitor fulfilled
If a breakpoint monitor is fulfilled after the Bind manually or Single Step tools have been applied, then the fact that the breakpoint monitor has been fulfilled will not be reported until the next time one of the simulation tools is applied in order to continue the simulation.
If the simulator indicates that one or more breakpoint monitors have been fulfilled, then the flag that the breakpoint monitors had set is reset, and the simulation may continue if one of the simulation tools is applied again.
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