Editing a CPN
- Add/edit declarations
- Add/edit inscriptions
- Adding places, transitions, and arcs
- Anti places/limit places
- Cloning
- Close a net
- Create a new net
- Deep cloning
- Edit style attributes
- Edit text
- Edit the layout
- Editing a CPN
- Errors in net structure
- Exceptions
- Graphical feedback
- Groups
- Inhibitor arcs
- Load a net
- Long click
- Magnetic guidelines
- Move and pan, multiple views
- Naming policy
- Queues and stacks
- Resize, pan, and zoom
- Save a net
- Syntax checking
Performance analysis
- Calculating statistics
- Data collector functions
- Independent and identically distributed values
- Output management
- Output management functions
- Performance options functions
- Performance output
- Change marking during simulation
- Errors during simulation
- Limitations
- Manually choose bindings
- Run a Simulation
- Simulation feedback
- Simulation replications
- Simulation report
- Simulation stop criteria
- Simulator functions
- Attributes and options in state space tool
- Calculating the state space
- Draw state spaces with CPN Tools
- Draw State Spaces with Graphviz
- Enter the state space tool
- Limitations
- Make state space queries
- Nondeterministic nets
- Saving a standard state space report
- State space functions
- States and state space nodes
- Temporal logic for state spaces
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