August 9, 2012

Michael Westergaard (Code and Support Guy, CPN Tools) shared this idea

Make it possible to create pages and aux graphics from the simulator, similar to the OG draw functions in Design/CPN and the methods for setting simulation graphics in current CPN Tools. This could be used in conjunction with simulator extensions to draw stuff inside CPN Tools form Java

August 14, 2012

Michael Westergaard (Code and Support Guy, CPN Tools) responded

Under review

Depending on time and effort…

November 17, 2012

Michael Westergaard (Code and Support Guy, CPN Tools) responded


Going in 4 (prerequisite for many popular simulator extensions and shouldn’t be too time consuming)

March 21, 2013

Michael Westergaard (Code and Support Guy, CPN Tools) responded


First version in 3.5.6; expect minor improvements from now and until 4.0

Draw Gantt charts from simulator
XES export of simulations

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