Integers are numerals without a decimal point. The integer color set is large unless restricted by the with
clause, in which case it is small.
Declaration syntax
colset name = int [with];
usual ordering of integers
Optional with
Restricts the integer color set to an interval determined by the two expressions in int-exp1
and int-exp2
. It must be the case that int-exp1
Declaration examples
colset INT = int;
colset SmallInt = int with 1..10;
An integer color set using the with
clause is used in the Simple Protocol example.
var smallInt : SmallInt;
The CPN variable smallInt
may have a range of integer values from 1 to 10. For example, 2 is a legal value, but 11 is not and 2.9 is not.
: negation of the integer value ii1 + i2
: additioni1 - i2
: subtractioni1 * i2
: multiplicationi1 div i2
: division, quotienti1 mod i2
: modulus, remainderabs i
: absolute value of iInt.min(i1,i2)
: minimum of i1 and i2Int.max(i1,i2)
: maximum of i1 and i2
See also color set functions.
For additional details and functions see the INTEGER signature in the SML Basis Library Manual.
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