Change Direction Clone Arc Clone Elements Delete Arc Delete BendPoint Delete elements Toggle Group
Change Direction Clone Arc Clone Elements Delete Arc Delete BendPoint Delete elements Toggle Group
Clone Aux Delete Aux Evaluate ML Toggle Group
The Binding index marking menus consist of the following entries: Abort binding Bind manually Close Index Fire and close Fire Transition
consists of the following entry: Delete current marking
The Declaration tab marking menu can be accessed by opening a marking menu on the tab of a declaration in a binder: Close Decl Delete Decl
The Declarations marking menu is accessed by bringing up a marking menu on the Declarations node in the index: The marking menu for specific declarations looks like this: There is also a marking menu for declarations in sheets: See also Page tab marking menu Delete Decl New Block New Decl Re-evaluate decl Redo Undo
The descriptor marking menu for state space node descriptors and state space arc descriptors: Toggle Descriptor
Clone FusionSetTag Delete FusionSetTag