Welcome to the CPN Tools bug reporting pages! We would love to hear if you find any bugs in CPN Tools. Note this is not for requests for new features; for those go here.
When submitting a bug report, make sure to include all of these. If you exclude any, we have to decline report!
which version of CPN Tools and Windows do you use?
which exact steps did you execute?
what did you expect to happen?
what actually happened?
Below, you can add your own report or vote for an existing one. The form will automatically suggest existing bugs if your report is similar to another. It is much better to vote for an existing idea than adding a duplicate, as this may split the votes for a good idea into two unrelated ones making it difficult to get on top.
We use the total number of votes to prioritize what to focus on. We also take the amount of time to implement each feature into account, so a popular bug which is very time consuming may be ignored while a features moderately popular feature that is easy to add may take priority.
You get 10 votes and can use them as you wish, adding 1, 2, or 3 votes for a bug. When your votes are up, they are up, but you get votes back when an idea is implemented or permanently rejected. You can also remove votes by hovering your mouse above a vote.
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