Delete Bendpoint Redo Undo
The Declarations marking menu is accessed by bringing up a marking menu on the Declarations node in the index: The marking menu for specific declarations looks like this: There is also a marking menu for declarations in sheets: See also Page tab marking menu Delete Decl New Block New Decl Re-evaluate decl Redo Undo
The History command marking menu can be accessed by opening a marking menu on a command under the History entry in the index. Redo Undo
The History marking menu is accessed by bringing up a marking menu on the History node in the index: Clear history Redo Undo
The Net marking menu appears when you bring up a marking menu on a net name in the index: Close Net New Page Redo Save Net As Save Net Undo
Create auxiliary text Drop Tool New Group New Place New Transition Redo Undo
Page name marking menus are accessed by bringing up a marking menu on a page name in the index. The following menus are shown for the following kinds of pages: A page that is not a subpage, i.e. a page at the top level in the index A page that is a subpage, and when there is only one instance of the page A page […]