A reenterable model of communication grid with cut-through nodes is constructed. The cut-through transmission of packets works fast, because it uses only the head of packet, which contains the destination address, for the forwarding decision. The reenterable models of the grid structures do not depend on the grid size that is the main advantage of reenterable models. The grid performance and average packet delivery time are evaluated for various intensity of Poisson and Uniform distributions.

Screenshot of the model

Shmeleva T.R. Performance evaluation of communication grids with cut-through switching nodes. Proceedings of the O.S. Popov ОNAT, No. 1, 2018, pp. 98-105

Shmeleva T.R. Reenterable Model of Communication Grid with Cut-through Nodes. Transactions of IEEE 4th International Scientific-Practical Conference «Problems of Infocommunications. Science and Technology» (PIC S&T), October 10 – 13, 2017, Kharkiv, Ukraine, pp. 223 – 227.

The zipped folder containing the model (8x8grid_cut-through_reenterable.cpn)

Reenterable Model of Provider Backbone Bridge
Reenterable Model of Rectangular Communication Grid